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    Don't fix problems. Find solutions...



  • About Me

    Robert Earle

    "Find something you love to do so much, you'll do it for nothing...then do it so well, people will pay you to do it." – Groucho Marx 

    Ever since I was a child, I have always been drawn in by the statement: “It’s not working.” To me, it represented a chance to examine a machine or process - some orderly flow that wasn’t performing at its peak potential. There was some issue causing the speaker frustration, not doing what it was created to do, and I always took on the challenge to determine why. As I got older, the problems became more sophisticated, and so did the ways to fix them. However, the knowledge gained from resolving each issue gave me the desire to look at ways to make other processes better. Ultimately, I discovered that it wasn’t the problem that I was drawn to, because there can be many "fixes”. I realized that, for me, it was more about determining, crafting, and implementing .....the optimal solution.



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  • Contact

    Robert Earle

    Tel:(347) 395-6115
    Email: robertearle.ctp@gmail.com